Foldover lingerie elastics

$0.20 - $0.80
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How to buy:
After adding an elastic to your cart, adjust the number of metres in cart. Multiple metres will be cut in a continuous length as far as possible, but there may be breaks.
Select a swatch from the options below to see the width and load the corresponding photo. Swatches are listed in order of unfolded width (14mm - 32mm).
Selected Width & colour (per metre) is

Foldover elastic (FOE) has a line scored lengthwise down the middle, so it folds over neatly and easily.  It is typically used in making inner wear - to enclose raw edges such as at the waist and leg opening of underwear, or the upper edges of bralettes.  Other types of lingerie elastic are listed separately in the shop.  To preserve the life of anything with elastic, avoid washing or drying at high temperatures.  

Unless otherwise stated below, all FOE on this page is thin (less than 1mm thick) and matte on both sides with a slightly plush-textured finish.  For plain FOE, the finished width is usually about half the unfolded width.  Please check the details in the list below:

SKU Unfolded width (mm) Colour Stretch % Notes
FO14LCY 14 Light creamy yellow    
FO14CAM 14 Camel    
FO14DBR 14 Dark brown    
FO15BLK 15 Black    
FO15PFL-JQ 15 Peach flesh jacquard with scallop 110 Finished width 8mm +1.5mm scallop.  Slightly thicker and firmer than most FOE.
FO15LPT 15.5 Light peachy tan 115 Slightly thinner than most FOE.
FO15BEP 15.5 Beigey pink 115  
FO16SPE 16 Soft peach   Slightly thicker and more plush than most.
FO16WHT-RF 16 Natural white with ruffle 120 Finished width 8mm + 4mm ruffle.  Ruffle has sheen.
FO16LAL 16.5 Light almond 110 Slightly thinner.
FO17OWP 17 Off-white with a tinge of cool pink 115  
FO17PPK 17 Pale pink 140 Slighty thinner, extra soft.
FO18RAS-LC 18 Raspberry with lace trim   Finished width 7mm + 5mm lace.  Not plush, right side is satiny.  
FO18MAU-ST 18 Mauve with pink stripe 130 Microfibre, thin, with a silky feel.
FO19BEI-JQ 19 Beige jacquard with scalloped edge   Satin jacquard detail, not plush.
FO20LCA 20 Light camel    
FO20LAP 20 Light apricot    
FO20PAP 20 Pale almond pink 100  
FO20SBL 20 Soft blue   A bit less soft.
FO20MPK 20 Medium pink   A bit less soft.
FO20NWH 20 Natural white   A bit less soft.
FO21GRY 21 Medium grey    
FO21DSB-ST 21 Dark steel blue with neon edge 100 Looks a bit like knit ribbing.  Could also be used for garments, e.g. athletic wear.
FO21WMP-BB 21 Watermelon pink bobble trim 110 Finished width 10mm + 2mm bobble.  More dense and plush-feeling than most.
FO21OWH 21 Off-white 120  
FO22LOP 22 Light orange peach 110  
FO24NWH 24 Natural white 120  
FO25WHT-RB 25 White ribbed 100 Microfibre, finer-textured than most FOE.
FO29MLK 29 Milk white (warm white) 120  
FO30PLI 30 Pale lilac 85  
FO31PPE 31 Pale peach 130 Might have slight defects here and there.
FO32LMP 32 Light milkshake pink 120